March 18, 2024

Reintroducing Glass

Opening up with our new website, member-type, and Glass team member.Announcements

The new is live!

We’re thrilled to publish the new site! We’ve opened up as much of our platform as we can, showcasing Explore, Members, Comments, Categories, Cameras, and Lenses! We’re rolling out new privacy controls, laying the groundwork for more features in the future, and providing you granular control over how much non-Members can see.

Since we launched less than three years ago, Glass has occasionally been called a walled garden. We never thought that was an accurate description. We launched Public Profiles and RSS support so folks not on Glass can follow your work. As a team of just three, we’ve since shipped improvements and new features non-stop to build out a community platform for photographers.

Glass is more of a greenhouse — a place where folks can grow in their photography and find inspiration in a kind community.

Viewer Accounts & Privacy Controls

The magic of Glass is the community, but some folks need more than a two-week trial to make a decision. At the beginning of this year, we quietly rolled out Viewer Accounts — a free Glass account that allows someone to explore the Community without starting their free trial or a membership.

Our new website and Viewer Accounts only see Glass Members who have their Public Profile turned On. If your account is set to Members-Only, then your profile can only be seen by Glass Members with an active subscription.

We’re making this change because we’ve been telling folks what Glass is for years, but it’s so much easier for new members to get it when they see what Glass is. Photography is better shared. Already used your trial years ago, but want to give Glass another shot? Email us at and we'll get you sorted.

Welcome João!

With Stefan’s latest side project launching soon, we’re bringing in some part-time iOS help — meet João! João has been a Glass member since the beginning, and we’re so excited to be working with him on continuing to improve our Apple apps. All the polish and love they’ve gotten recently? That’s João.

And with João’s support, onward to Series.

Post photograph by Daniel Agee

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Community, not comparison

Build relationships with and learn from other photographers while enjoying a chronological feed and no public counts.

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Focused features

Gorgeous apps, public profiles, appreciations, categories, ad free, high quality images, camera and lens feeds…

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