August 31, 2022

Monthly Category Favorites — Water

Let these wonderful photos wash over you.Monthly Categories

August was a really great month for Glass — we had our one year anniversary and opened up our platform to anyone. And y'all really rewarded us with a wonderful month of photos and conversations. All we can say is wow and thank you. We know it takes a lot of trust to make us your home for photography. We can't wait to see what year two of Glass brings us. Oh, and in case you missed it, we did a little Q&A. Open it up in another tab for after your scroll through these wonderful water photographs.

Water was by far the most active Monthly Category we've had and picking our favorites was next to impossible. For every one you see here, there were four or five we didn't select.

Heather Wilson
Ute Reckhorn
James Hunter
Viktor Farkas
Jen Dixon
Amanda Powell
Shaun Baker
Gabriel Cubbage
Yana Kova
Christopher Michel
Om Malik
Guillaume Tomasi
Post photograph by Aaron Samuel Yong

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