October 31, 2023

Updated iOS Widget

Now with Standby Support!Announcements

Updated Widget

With our latest iOS update, we've included three new updates to the Glass widget! For those of you who are enjoying Standby Mode, you can now enjoy it with 100% more Glass widget. And if you're using the Glass Widget on iPad, you can now enjoy an extra large widget. Because sometimes you just need a quarter of your screen to be a wonderful photograph. And finally, if you've updated to MacOS Sonoma, enjoy the Glass widget on your desktop.

Quick Inspiration

The Glass Widget is truthfully one of the best ways to consistently check the Glass community. You can select your Following Feed or your favorite Category. Just like that, you've got a little hit of inspiration or creativity waiting for you when you check your phone. Highly recommend one or three.

Post photograph by Joao Dordio

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