Over the weekend, we learned the heartbreaking news of the accidental death of Gustaf Jansson. To use Glass was to know Gustaf. He had a disarming enthusiasm about him. Always one of the first to greet new members, he’d often comment kind words of welcome and share his favorite fellow photographers. He offered community and connection by default, open and ready to grow together.
Internally, we often talk about trying to create an earnest internet. But an earnest internet is just made up of earnest people — showing up, curious, and trying their best. Over the last two and a half years, we've gotten to know Gustaf through the curiosity and kindness pouring out of his photography. Through him sharing himself in the comments and calls and emails, ready to support his friends.
It was such a joy to see him keep pushing, experimenting, and staying open to the world. He made Glass a better place, his behavior a model and inspiration for us, even though he’s gone. Photography allows us to see the world through someone else’s eyes. The specifics, the little moments of joy or pain, the bravery, the calm, the randomness. While we mourn losing our friend, we’re grateful we’ll be able to view the world through his eyes anytime we look back on his work.
Through our countless interactions, it was always clear that the only thing Gustaf loved more than photography was his family. And a love like that doesn't go away. Our deepest condolences and love to his family.

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